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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Massive Editing and Depression Breakthrough

My editor is taking her sweet time and I'm afraid that the book won't be ready before NaNoWriMo starts. I really wanted to get it out there, but then I wouldn't have had time to market it, so I guess it's actually a win situation. Sorry readers who are hoping for my sequel on Oct 31! I'm still trying, but we'll see what happens.

I've had a shot of really deep depression that my therapist really helped with yesterday -- go figure! She said to take all the negative thoughts and judgments and separate them from my self. That is, give them a separate form so that the thought and judgments aren't "me" they're separate from me. It's brilliant. Since she told me that yesterday I've had many times that I've had a negative judment about myself and told it to go away, I wasn't interested, and it kind of works!

In the mean time I'm afraid I'm getting a cold and I'm desperately trying to get together a storyline for NaNoWriMo. Trying to make an outline and I've only got two characters sketched (a little bit). Ugh. I'll get there though. NaNo really inspires me to write my best stuff. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to  It's a great motivator for writers, and lovely education and support too.

Happy Reading & Writing to All,


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