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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On my way to 50K!

NaNoWriMo is kicking my butt! But I'm kicking right back. I had a dark night of the soul in which I got stuck and thought that my story was really dead, but I just took a turn and kept writing. Writing. Writing. I'm almost to 50K and I've still got more than a week to go! Woot woot!

My story is about two healers in the In Your Eyes universe. They leave the military compound to get away from classes and teaching and to get more hands on training, which they get multitudes of. Then of course they fall in love. That's what all my stories are about. Falling in love, and staying in love, too. Luce and Kaylah are my main characters, and I love them. I just wrote my first real sex scene, so this book isn't going to be for young adults so much. Writing it was a lot of fun and a real exercise in patience. Sex scenes are hard to write! But I pushed through and came out in the end with a great scene and a lot of pent up energy! If you like to read erotica, you'll love this book even more than In Your Eyes, which I kept the sex scenes very mild and vague. This one is straight out sex with lots of detail. I'm so proud of it! I maybe a little embarrassed when others read it, but you gotta let your creative (and other) juices flow to make a good story a great story. Sex between two women is like nothing else in the world, let me tell you.

So now we've got to tell the parents that they're lovers now, after assuring them for weeks that they were just friends. Then the sparks will fly! The parents aren't going to be supportive and might even kick them out of the house, I'm not sure about that yet. Anyway, I'm enjoying my adventure into novel writing and have NaNoWriMo to thank for the push to get this thing written!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

NaNoWriMo Week 2, Abscess Day 7

Well, we're into the second week of Nano and it seems to be going well. I'm two days ahead of schedule in the word count department, so I feel pretty good. My story is coming along, thanks to the long sessions of brainstorming I've been doing with Mel, my partner. She's been an incredible help. She reads almost constantly and has lots of ideas for conflicts to keep things spicy. I get on a roll and just write, and it helps me to get input from her to keep me from just writing boring old love stories. ;-)

The bad news is that I've got a tooth abscess that won't heal. I've been on antibiotics for 5 days and the swelling is still so bad that they can't do anything for the tooth. It's quite terrible. I've seen the dentist and will see him again for a check-back today, but I know there will be nothing he can do. Except send me to a specialist, which I CAN'T AFFORD. Ugh. This tooth has been the worst pain of my life and I know it has eaten into my writing time. I'd planned to be really far ahead of schedule by now, but life has interceded.

More later. I've got a dentist appt to keep. Wish me luck!