So I'm back at the keyboard and hope has returned! Well, at least a little bit. I'm writing like crazy and have finally finished book two of my IN YOUR EYES series. The first book is available as noted on the left of this page. Book two is yet unnamed, but I think it'll be EYES THAT BIND. I'm having some trouble writing a synopsis for this second book, so I'm taking a little break from it. Anyone out there who is a writer (or wants to be) and has suggestions as to how to write a synopsis, please comment! I'll work on my synopsis here to keep ya'll in the loop, to be sure.
In the mean time, I've been playing Skyrim and Sims3, cuddling my new kitten, and being taken care of by my dear partner, Mel. She's something else. She can read a book in one day, does math to make her sleepy at night, and puts up with my bullsh!t every day.
I'm still smoking, and guess I will be for a while. Every time I try to quit I realize that it is something that I'm just not ready to do. It's SO HARD. And right now I'm going through some depression that does not help matters. I'm not working out, but I am writing, so that's something. It may lead to more healthy habits returning to my life. Let's all hope so.
Take care and write comments if you would. I'd love to hear what you have to say!
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